Frequently Asked Questions

Thank You For Interest Our FAQ
We try to answer all questions we recieve from clients, affiliates and partners.

FAQ Expandable List ( Click To Expand )

  • How do we donate material?
    • We accept all types of material of donation. The easiest way to donate is to fill out our pickup form. Simply fill out our form, include what material needs to be collected. select if we need to pickup and transport the material. Include if you will be sending the material of your shipping. Our donation pickup form is located
  • What material do you collect?
    • What material do you collect? We collect any types of electronic materials. Computers, computer related, printers, scanners, tvs, computer hardware. For a full list of material we collect, please see our pickup form located
  • Do you purchase material?
    • Yes, we purchase material in large liquidations. We purchase material off lease, or business needing liquidation. Please contact us with the material you are looking to sell.
  • How do i purchase material?
    • There are several ways to buy material from us. 1. You can go to our , locate the material you would like to purchase. Click on the item, at the bottom is a contact form. We will reply with quantity and current prices. 2. You can purchase from us directly by sending us a form through our . You can request material from our contact us for, we will respond with current bulk prices and quantities.
  • What payment terms do you accept?
    • What payment terms do you accept? Our full payment terms can be located here in
  • Can we inspect the material?
    • Yes, we allow inspection, prior to purchase for new buyers as well as buyers wanting to purchase now. New buyers wanting to inspect material prior to purchase can request a visitation appointment. Due to the large amount of requests, buyer are placed on a calender with location and time. Previous buyers are given faster schedule for appointment requests. New buyers on a purchase agreement, payment plans, we allow buyers to inspect during the loading process.
  • What payment menthods do you accept?
    • Our full payment methods can be located here in
  • How do you ship?
    • We ship for all types of sizes of orders. For smaller orders we ship through carriers such as USPS, Fedex, UPS and more. For larger orders we ship by freight carriers, domestic truckers. We containers we ship by domestic trucking as well as sea freight. Please see our Transporation page for better idea of our shipping options.
  • How do you load the freight?
    • We load the freight in many ways including many packing ways. For small orders we use mail carriers, fedex, ups, etc. For large orders, single sikids, we ship LTL services. For bulk containers, we provide many options including packing, pirctures, videos. To see a example of loading , please our
  • How can we track our orders?
    • We provide several options for buyers to track their purchases. We provide asset tracking for smaller items, as well as large tracking. For smaller asset tracking, for larger tracking please for our tracking options.
  • How can we request a return?
    • We allow returns on material marked returns. All material marked as is, does not qualify for returns. For certified returns, contract purchases, requests can be mailed to P_O_Box_416_Sharpsburg_Ga_30277. Request meust be within period stated in contract. Tracking for certified must be provided to confirm request.
  • How can we Visit?
    • We only allow visitations to potencial customers by appointment only. To apply for a visitation request, please see
  • Why do we have to make a appointment?
    • We only allow visitations, inspections of material to potential customers by appointment only. In the past, potential new buyers have shown up unannounced. This is not good for business, due to scheduling, labor, as well as risk of injury without supervision, insurance liability. In past instances a potential customer being almost injured, leaving open to liability, forcing us to change policies. Customers must apply for a visit request to schedule an appointment. This allows proper times, schedule to be sure a proper visit is supervised. This also allows our company enough time to move the customer's order to one facility before visit or inspection.

Do you have Questions? Please Contact Us

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more of our resources
  • Inventory & Storage

    New facility locations, connections, offering larger warehouse space for inventory.

  • Donation & Collection

    Our in stream of electronic material is collected various ways

  • Sea Freight & Transportation

    We are offering many services now to assist with transporting material

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